Watch “Why I Fly! Part 1” on YouTube

I had the privilege to deliver the morning message several years ago at Eagles Wings Christian Church. And while I am no longer there, I am no longer there the promise is still true It is still mine. Watching them was a great reminder of who and whose I am. It was posted to YouTube in 2 parts so I will post them both.

Private Summers

It is hot here in Texas but it is what you would expect this time of year. Each day we check the temperature and we get two numbers: one is the actual temperature and the other is the “feels like” temperature. But there is a third temperature. It is felt by those who experience “private summers”, most commonly known as hot flashes.

I can only share what I’ve been told because I was blessed to only experience them for a couple of days and then they were very mild. So mild that I only realized what was happening when I had a crying, sobbing breakdown in the middle of a meeting at First 5 Riverside with about 20 other women. Fortunately that lasted only a day.

But back to private summers. Some women turn to pharmaceuticals, others just suffer through it but there is another choice. A natural, non-toxic relief is available. Young Living has several products that offer relief. I asked for referrals from the users and the results are

  1. Progessence Plus blend- serum- blend of bergamot, peppermint, Frankincense enhance progesterone skin penetration. Natural progesterone may help with several things including menapause symptoms.
  2. Sclaressence blend-supports the hormones
  3. Femigen – helps balance hormones- supplement capsules
  4. Clary Sage – affects hormonal system -single oil

There are several others but these were the ones championed the most, listed in the order of highest frequency.

Air conditioning and plenty of water can help the Texas heat and I offer potential relief from those “private summers.”

Click this link privatesummer


Do you remember nursery school? Today they call it preschool. I do. The place: McKenzie Courts Center. The administrator/teacher: Mrs. Henderson. The first lovingly, strong academia influence in my life. She and her staff taught us skills to prepare us for elementary school. It wasn’t just the a,b,c’s, colors and numbers. When I left there I could read and write legibily. They taught us how to behave in social settings outside our home. They required our best in all areas. I never thought of that place as a place for poor, black kids. I never felt the sting of “separate but equal” unequal segregation. Jim Crow overshadowed this sanctuary, but I didn’t know it. I felt safe. Mrs. Henderson and company did that for us. I remember we ate, we slept, we played, we learned. But most of all we were respected and loved. You can’t get much richer than that:My Black Soil. My roots got stronger every day. I was a little kid enjoying life. I believe Mrs Henderson is enjoying a well-deserved rest in heaven. Thank you.

Tasty Accidents

Last night I decided to use my lemon vitality oil to make lemonade. I didn’t have my glasses on and I identified the oil by the color of the label. I picked up my bottle of fennel vitality oil and dropped 3 drops in about 8 oz of water. I sweetened it with raw agave and poured it over ice. It was not lemonade. I enjoyed fennelaide. It was awesome. That was a tasty accident.

It was my night for mistakes. I set out to make falafel burgers. I did everything the recipe told me to do. I thought. I was supposed to leave the chickpeas chunky. Instead I processed the mixture until it was smooth. It was a flavorful hummus. I was not to be denied. I spoon dropped the mixture on a cookie sheet and baked them. We enjoyed falafel biscuits for dinner.

A very tasty accident.