Home Brew

One of the unexpected side affects of a raw vegan lifestyle was a drink I had never tried. It was included because of the probiotic contents. I liked it and made it a part of our regular meal plans. The only problem was the cost. When I first started drinking it, the cost was about $2.89 for a 16 oz. bottle. Now, it is $3.99. I buy about 5 bottles/wk. Food cost has gone up and the drink cost has made my grocery bill huge. I have wanted to try making my own, but the task seemed daunting. What did I know about brewing? Oh, wait a minute. Maybe some of you are thinking I’m talking about whiskey, wine or the like. Nope. It is kombucha. Kombucha may have an alcohol content. It depends on the brand. I drink GTs Synergy brand. It is raw and the alcohol content is negligible. I have had some that gave me a slight buzz. I don’t remember the brand because I stick to Synergy. Until, now. I read a lot about making my own. I joined groups on Facebook to learn from experienced brewers and could get questions asked rather quickly. I bought a book entitled The Big Book of Kombucha by Crum and LaGory. Finally, I was ready to begin.

Oh, I need a SCOBY or pellicle. This is and starter tea is needed to begin. Hesitantly, I ordered a kit from Amazon. The kit included black tea, sugar, a pellicle aka SCOBY, ph strips, a pipette, a cover and the all important rubber bend. There was enough product to make two batches. NOW, I’m ready.

Of course I couldn’t do it exactly according to instructions. Where is the fun in that. Rather than brewing my tea with boiling water, I chose to make Sun tea. I sat a quart of water with 6 tea bags out on the patio. After that I followed the instructions. Seven days later my brew looked like this. It was growing a new, healthy pellicle.

Fifteen days later it was time for the second fermentation. This is where you add flavor and create carbonation if you desire. I added ground ginger and cayenne to the bottles Three days later I drank my first batch of Home Brew aka my Kombucha.. My grocery bill will be reduced about $20 because I can make my own and flavor it any way I want or not.

I Surrender – For NOW

Those who have followed me and know me know that I am resistant to pharmaceuticals. It is my very last resort. The health issue that I have is the source of any other potential issues: high blood pressure. I didn’t know I had the condition until a blood vessel burst in my eye. I had to have surgery on my eye. The day of the surgery, my BP was so high that they rescheduled. That was the day this battle began.

Since then I have been regulating my BP with vegetables, specifically beets. It was going well, but I did get periodic spikes. The spikes in BP measurements are my Dr’s concern. She said they were just as damaging to my blood vessels. So for now I will take a very low dose of lisinipril. One of the side affects is allowing a build-up in potassium that damages your kidneys. To me that is trading one problem for another. My goal is to eventually get off this medication. In the meantime, I will eat clean and exercise and take this poison. Those who pray to the Heavenly Father, please pray for me.

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The Veggie Burger Search Continues

A few posts ago, actually, quite a while ago I made my own veggie burger blend. A few days ago I discovered Javant’s Healthy Vegan Eating on YouTube. I made it. It is pictured below. His mix is made with no oil and no soy, so I had to give it a try. It was very good. I guess the walnuts along with the mushrooms gave it the fatty moisture mouth feel, aka texture.

I had forgotten that I made a veggie burger mix posted in My Vegan Burger. There are differences that could make a big difference to some people. First of all,Javant’s recipe is to be cooked. It uses cauliflower, walnuts, mushrooms, carrots, red onions and seasonings. Javant’s ground is designed to be used for multiple purposes.Therefore, no specific seasoning was used. It was very general. Mine is raw; designed for raw vegan lifestyle. My mixture included mushrooms, carrots, green onions,ground flax seed, soaked sunflower, jalepeno, and liquid smoke. There were other seasonings used, but they were specific to burger flavors, or at least they might have conflicted with Italian or Mexican flavors. I thought I had resolved my search for a homemade vegan burger blend. I’m down to two. I’m going to take a little from his and and add to mine. I will then cook a batch and dehydrate another batch. I learned a lot from Javant. I will continue to checkout his videos.

Never Again

I’ve been trying to get back to cooking vegan meals instead of buying them. Three days ago I decided to cook dry chickpeas on the stove top instead of the pressure cooker. I let them soak for almost 2 full days. I thought surely the beans would cook in about 4 hrs. Well it’s been about 7 or 8 hours and they are NOT tender. I’m going back to the pressure cooker. I would have been done by now if I had used it first. My tuna-less tuna said will have to wait another day.😒

Beet Root Powder

I finally ground the dehydrated beet pulp. Why buy beet root powder when you can make your own? All you need is the dried pulp and a grinder. I used my Nutribullet grinding attachment but a coffee or spice grinder will probably work just fine. I gave it a try this mornig. I put 1 tablespoon of the powder in my waffle mix. The batter was pink. I expected pink waffles. Didn’t happen. They were regular waffles . The beet flavor was barelty noticeable. The waffles tasted good. Results were nutrition boosted waffles.

Loss Replaced With Better

I was so excited about getting the great results of beet and celery juicing. I began to plan for other juice meals and then……

Silence. My Caynel Masticating Juicer stopped. I thought it had over heated. I waited. Turned the switch. Silence. I tried again. Silence. My juicer died. Of course the warranty had expired. It was laid to rest last night in the dumpster.

Now I await the arrival of my new juicer. Didn’t plan to spend that much money on a juicer but it is my medication provider. It cost about 4x as much as the other. I will let you know if it provides 4x the quality.

It is my expectation that the loss will be replaced with better.

Beet, Celery, Carrot Pulp Galore

As you can imagine making fresh vegetable juice everyday yields a lot of pulp. I can’t imagine throwing it away. So what do I do with it all. My first thought was veggie patties. I looked around at different recipes and decided to use a variation of my veggie patty. I put the beet pulp, carrot pulp, celery pulp, shitake/portobello mushrooms in my food processor along with sunflower seeds, onion powder, garlic powder, organic liquid smoke, chilli flakes, flaxseed eggs and salt. I formed this mixture into patties and put them in the dehydrator for 12 hours. The reul

The results are reasonably firm and soft in the center. I need more of a binding agent so I will try chia seed egg or oatmeal the next time. This is my first try. They turned out well. Tasted okay but I need to add more seasonings. When I get the amount figured out I can share a recipe. But for now know I used 2 cups of the beet, carrot, celery pulp combinations and 2 cups of shitake/protabello mushroom blend, 1 1/2 cup of sunflower seeds. The rest was to taste or as they say in my family until it feels right. 🙂

Daya 6 & 7: The Battle is Won

Seven days ago I engaged in a battle with my Blood Pressure. I was determine to defeat this adversary with natural means. I had tried several different pharmaceuticals prescribed by my primary care provider and my cardiologist. My doctors’ felt the side affects to them were out weighed by the decrease in my pressure. However, I was the one feeling those side effects. All but one made me extremely ill. The one that was tolerable wasn’t as effective. I stopped taking them. I researched the vegetable and herb world to find answers to my situation. I found beets decreased the blood pressure quickly. I also found a herbal tea that reported decreasing blood pressure. On last Sunday I began. Three hours after drinking 8 oz of fresh non-pasteurized beet juice my pressure had dropped 20mmHg units. I was hopeful. You can read the details in the preceding posts.

My “beginning the day” blood pressure was always less than it had been the day before. The last two days I have had measurements in the 120/80 -ish range in the late afternoon. This morning, I drank 12oz of a combination juice of beet, celery, carrot and apple. At about 5pm I took my pressure and it was 122/71. This will be my daily prescription for my blood pressure along with potassium and magnesium tablets and a decrease in salt intake. I will continue to try to reduce my stress and increase my exercise. This is my self-care plan. I am making an appointment with the cardiologist. I expect that will be a positive visit, except for the stress test I have to take. 🙂 I am not a doctor or a medical expert. I can only share my experience. If this appeals to you, discuss it with your doctor and give it a try.

I am continuing the war of taking care of my body on all levels. I still have difficulty prioritizing myself but I am getting better. My next battle is returning to the weight and dietary practice pre-quarantine. I liked how I felt and I like how I looked. Seventy is my new 40. I am going to get there. It took 18 months to get here, so I know it will not happen over night. First order is to get back into the habit of making my raw food that needs to be dehydrated in a timely manner.

Next experiment is making veggie burger patties with the pulp from the beets and celery. Hope they taste as good as the juice.

Day 2 How I Got Here

Some of you know that my husband and I began a raw vegan/vegan lifestyle in 2017. It was prescribed by Dr. Baxter Montgomery to treat hubby’s cardiac problems. This is a very curative dietary lifestyle. So how did I end up battling high blood pressure. To explain that I have to go back to pre-Covid quarantine.

I made all our food from scratch. I bought veggies and fruit in their original, natural state and prepared our dishes with extremely minimal processing. Hubby got stronger. Arthritis pain decreased for both of us. We had more energy. Eventually, I was showing signs of fatigue from all the work and not enough rest. It takes time. Dr. Montgomery noticed I was tired and told me I didn’t have to prepare everything from scratch. There were some things I could buy already prepared. Looking back on it I think he meant something different than I understood. I began to purchase prepared vegan food. I read the labels and bought what was closest to what I would have prepared. That was the beginning of the slippery slope. A few non-related things added to my stress and fatigue level. That lead to the next step down.

Second, I was introduced to the Impossible Burger and the Beyond Burger. They’re plant-based right? They were tasty and convenient. They were also processed and high in sodium. Now in moderation they may not have been bad but when you are tired and hungry you go for the quick fixes. I purchased the patties and the sausages from the market. Then Burger King began selling Impossible Burgers. Oh, I forgot. Red Robin sold veggie burgers and they were near our home. On those days,they had become frequent, that cooking was harder than buying, I purchased from the restaurants. They are plant based right? A more than moderate diet of these with fries combined with steady doses of high stress leads to problems. This was not every meal but it was more than I should have done, The majority of this activity was during the quarantine. Our daily walks ended. So no excercise. Now I don’t have anything against those products but they are not my family’s friend. Now that I am in this battle, they are forever off my list of things to eat. In fact I am trying to get rid of all processed food. If you are having similar problems I recommend eliminating processed foods even if they are plant-based. Read the labels.

Today I awaken with a blood pressure of 155/102 and HR 61. This was 30mmHg lower than I began yesterday. Cardio for 16 minutes. 4oz of beet juice. Wanted to see if that had a similar effect as did 8oz. I had a stressful day. Husband seems to have Covid symptoms. At 3:59 blood pressure was 150/94 HR 74. At 7:30 148/97 HR 73. Drank 8 oz of freash celery juice. 10pm 167/101 HR 69. It seems celery juice is not as effective as the beet juice. At least not with me. Tomorrow return to 8os of beet juice but the celery juice will be included as well. I am determined to find the correct combination for me.

NOTE: Last night I took magnesium before I went to bed along with CBD infused tea. I felt so rested when I woke up. Hadn’t felt that in a long time. I am trying it tonight with the magnesium only. Hopefully it will also lower my blood pressure tonight.

Day 1-The BP Battle Beginss

I awaken this morning about 5:50am with a headache. I knew my BP was high. The question was how high. I started the day with a blood pressure of 182/108 and a heart rate 64 . This was taken at 6:15am Sunday 12/5. First order of business was exercise and tension release activities. I sat in a chair with a heated massage pad while I pedaled on bike pedals. I only pedaled for 12 minutes. I thought it unwise to go for the 30 minutes the first time out. After the exercise I juiced 4 small beets. They yielded 8 oz of juice. I drank that and sat down to do my Bible study and listen to music. Trying to release tension. Dr. Story said there would be a significant decrease in BP in 3 hours after drinking the juice. Here is my experience.

  • Remember I began at 182/108
  • 6:27 12 minutes of pedaling: BP 166/110 Hr 74
  • 7:30 Drank 8oz beet juice
  • 3 hours after drinking 8oz of beet juice: BP 152/91 HR 73
  • 10:45 potassium and B12 were taken
  • At 5pm: BP 134/83 HR 83
  • At 9pm BP 159/99 HR 74
  • 10pm Ate banana and took magnesium
  • Drank CBD tea
  • 11pm BP 155/87 HR 67

This is the planned schedule of collecting data in this experiment. I will keep a log but I may not post each measurement. I will do a trend report on Friday or Saturday. I will however share what I am eating and why and any information I discover. Dr Story said the effects of the beet juice should last 24 hours. It doesn’t seem like that is going to happen for me. Maybe after my system is cleansed and more exercise has been done. Looking at the data today it appears there should be a second dose of beet juice or something that does the same thing. Tomorrow I will add fresh celery juice. Here are some benefits of celery juice.

  • reduce inflammation.
  • lower blood pressure.
  • heal the liver.
  • fight cancer.
  • reduce bloating.
  • support the digestive system.
  • increase energy.
  • support weight loss.

More itemsɉۢNov 26, 2021
Celery juice cleanse: Possible benefits, risks, and more

Still working on stress reduction plan. Tried to relax some today. I know my stress comes mostly from being my husband’s caregiver. I never viewed it as a stressful situation. I was just taking care of my love. I guess I internalized any problems or frustrations because they seemed to just go with the territory and no need to complain. I just do what is necessary to do. I guess it caught up with me. Now I have to find a way to unpack it all. My daughter and a friend suggest a therapist. I am considering. My problem is how do I begin to unpack it. I don’t even know what I need to talk about to relieve the stress.