Dangerous Ground

The President of the United States is refusing to honor a constitutionally legal subpoena as I understand it. I wonder has he thought about the repercussions of his refusal to honor the supoena?

His example is giving everyone who is ever subpoenaed the precedent to disregard it and there would be nothing the prosecution, defense attorney or judge could do about it. Thus rendering subpoenas powerless.

Now for those who think I am anti-Trump because you have assumed I am a progressive Democrat because I am black consider this scenario.

Imagine you were on trial and the person that could prove you were innocent refused to testify. A subpoena is issued. They refuse to honor it. The President didn’t so why should I? Off to jail or prison you go.

His behavior doesn’t only affect his life but all of ours. Has he considered that. Or maybe this is part of his plan. For sure, this is dangerous ground.

Congress and SC judges if you stand by and allow this to happen, you have just lost your jobs. If the executive branch is above the law or any branch is above the law, there is no need for the law or lawmakers or adjudicators. Dangerous Ground.

This is not a political issue. This is a living in this democratic republic we call the United State of America issue. Both sides of the isle need to unite to do what is right.

Right now we are standing on dangerous ground.

Fractured US

Last night I watched a news report on the proven influence Russia had on the 2016 Houston elections. The method was to post divisive, inflammatory information that were known hot buttons here. None of what was posted was true but it was the catalysts for angry protesters to hit the streets. My elders would say these instigators would throw the rock and hide their hands. Then just sit back and watch.

What caused them to have been so successful? US! We are fractured. That makes us prime prey for preditors.

When I was a kid I had the perception that even with all our internal problems, we would stand together against external forces. Now it seems we can’t run fast enough toward them if it promotes our hate-filled cause.

US, this is Us.

We are fractured and we need to get it together. Healing can happen if we stop believing the worst about everyone before we have gotten to know them.

US, let’s begin the healing process.


I’ve been thinking about this a lot lately, especially the last few days. Have I really grown to love unconditionally?

You know I went back to the dictionary to see if I missed anything regarding “un”.

Un means not. When attached to a word it means not that. Un+Fair =unfair – not fair.

Un+conditionally =unconditionally – not conditionally. We, or maybe I should say I, think of no conditions, no strings attached. Could it mean more?

I looked at the statement my son Sam made: you can’t love unconditionally unless you know the condition the person is in or has. (My paraphrase). The context for the word condition changes. This doesnt’have anything to do with the strings attached but instead the state or situation the person is in. Could mean their character, their socioeconomic status, their health, or behavior. I thought about that. I don’t like liars. It would be easier to embrace someone with a possibly contagious disease than a liar. But that’s the condition of mental health they are in, their character.

Condition = liar

Uncondition = not liar

I am to love them as if the condition did not exist. Love them as if they weren’t liars.

To love unconditionally then means to love as if the condition you find so offensive was NOT. See past the condition and love them anyway. This doesn’t mean you accept or agree with wrong. It doesn’t mean you are blind to the condition. It means you see it and choose to love as if it wasn’t there.

I have to ask myself do I truly love some people unconditionally that I thought I did? Can I love racists, hatemongers, rapists, pedophiles, murderers, liars, and the like in my present “condition”? I still don’t like liars but can I love them anyway?

Loving unconditionally is loving as if the condition was NOT.

A Deeper Level

All year God has been teaching me the depth of His love and what He requires of me to give that kind of love to others. In April I submitted a post entitled #Love?. The content was about God’s definition of love. Since then I have been focused on how Pat would apply this level of understanding. Don’t get me wrong, these precepts I have known and taught for years. What has changed is my depth of understanding deep down in my spirit.

Tonight I listened to a spiritual son and daughter share a portion of their journey in learning what love really is. My son shared something he had learned in his journey that hit home to me. He said, “You cannot love someone unconditionally unless you know what their condition is.”

I am going to leave that right there and let you ruminate along with me.